Lista com um arsenal de ferramentas para pentest

É sabido que um grande volume de dados é manipulado, a cada segundo, por complexos sistemas de informação e que esses dados carregam valor – seja esse valor expresso em grandezas concretas, como unidades monetárias, ou abstratas, como “confiança” ou “reputação”. Todos têm a percepção de que a indisponibilidade de um sistema pode ocasionar uma elevada perda financeira, consequência da interrupção de processos corporativos, e que o vazamento de informação pode levar a danos irreversíveis a imagem de uma empresa e, até mesmo, a complicadas ações judicias.

O que é Pentest?

O Teste de Intrusão (do inglês “Penetration Test” ou pentest“), também traduzido como “Teste de Penetração”, é um método que avalia a segurança de um sistema de computador ou de uma rede, simulando um ataque de uma fonte maliciosa. O processo envolve uma análise nas atividades do sistema, que envolvem a busca de alguma vulnerabilidade em potencial que possa ser resultado de uma má configuração do sistema, falhas em hardwares/softwares desconhecidas, deficiência no sistema operacional ou técnicas contra medidas.

As empresas estão cada vez mais buscando profissionais na área de segurança da informação para proteger os seus dados. Diferente de outras épocas, já existe um vasto material na internet e muitas instituições já oferecem cursos. Se você é uma pessoa que busca conhecimento na área ou tem curiosidade para aprender mais sobre pentest. Abaixo segue uma lista completa com ferramentas e artigos sobre o assunto.

Lista com um arsenal de ferramentas para pentest

Penetration Testing Resources

  • Metasploit Unleashed – Free Offensive Security metasploit course
  • PTES – Penetration Testing Execution Standard
  • OWASP – Open Web Application Security Project

Exploit development

Social Engineering Resources

Lock Picking Resources


Penetration Testing Distributions

  • Kali – A Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing
  • BlackArch – Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers
  • NST – Network Security Toolkit distribution
  • Pentoo – security-focused livecd based on Gentoo
  • BackBox – Ubuntu-based distribution for penetration tests and security assessments

Basic Penetration Testing Tools

  • Metasploit Framework – World’s most used penetration testing software
  • Burp Suite – An integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications
  • ExploitPack – Graphical tool for penetration testing with a bunch of exploits
  • BeeF – The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
  • faraday – Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform
  • evilgrade – The update explotation framework
  • commix – Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool

Vulnerability Scanners

  • Netsparker – Web Application Security Scanner
  • Nexpose – Vulnerability Management & Risk Management Software
  • Nessus – Vulnerability, configuration, and compliance assessment
  • Nikto – Web application vulnerability scanner
  • OpenVAS – Open Source vulnerability scanner and manager
  • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy – Penetration testing tool for web applications
  • Secapps – Integrated web application security testing environment
  • w3af – Web application attack and audit framework
  • Wapiti – Web application vulnerability scanner
  • WebReaver – Web application vulnerability scanner for Mac OS X
  • DVCS Ripper – Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG/BZR
  • arachni – Web Application Security Scanner Framework

Network Tools

  • nmap – Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits
  • pig – A Linux packet crafting tool
  • tcpdump/libpcap – A common packet analyzer that runs under the command line
  • Wireshark – A network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows
  • Network Tools – Different network tools: ping, lookup, whois, etc
  • netsniff-ng – A Swiss army knife for for network sniffing
  • Intercepter-NG – a multifunctional network toolkit
  • SPARTA – Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing Tool
  • DNSDumpster – Online DNS recond and search service
  • Mass Scan – TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  • Zarp – Zarp is a network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks
  • mitmproxy – An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
  • mallory – HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH
  • DET – DET is a proof of concept to perform Data Exfiltration using either single or multiple channel(s) at the same time
  • pwnat – punches holes in firewalls and NATs
  • dsniff – a collection of tools for network auditing and pentesting
  • tgcd – a simple Unix network utility to extend the accessibility of TCP/IP based network services beyond firewalls

Wireless Network Tools

  • Aircrack-ng – a set of tools for auditing wireless network
  • Kismet – Wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS
  • Reaver – Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup
  • Wifite – Automated wireless attack tool
  • wifiphisher – Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks

SSL Analysis Tools

  • SSLyze – SSL configuration scanner
  • sslstrip – a demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks
  • sslstrip2 – SSLStrip version to defeat HSTS

Web exploitation

  • WPScan – Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner
  • SQLmap – Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
  • weevely3 – Weaponized web shell
  • Wappalyzer – Wappalyzer uncovers the technologies used on websites
  • cms-explorer – CMS Explorer is designed to reveal the the specific modules, plugins, components and themes that various CMS driven web sites are running.
  • joomscan – Joomla CMS scanner
  • WhatWeb – Website Fingerprinter
  • BlindElephant – Web Application Fingerprinter

Hex Editors

  • HexEdit.js – Browser-based hex editing
  • Hexinator (commercial) – World’s finest Hex Editor


Windows Utils

Linux Utils

DDoS Tools

  • LOIC – An open source network stress tool for Windows
  • JS LOIC – JavaScript in-browser version of LOIC
  • T50 – The more fast network stress tool

Social Engineering Tools

  • SET – The Social-Engineer Toolkit from TrustedSec

OSInt Tools

  • Maltego – Proprietary software for open source intelligence and forensics, from Paterva.
  • theHarvester – E-mail, subdomain and people names harvester
  • creepy – A geolocation OSINT tool
  • metagoofil – Metadata harvester
  • Google Hacking Database – a database of Google dorks; can be used for recon
  • Shodan – Shodan is the world’s first search engine for Internet-connected devices
  • recon-ng – A full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python

Anonymity Tools

  • Tor – The free software for enabling onion routing online anonymity
  • I2P – The Invisible Internet Project
  • Nipe – Script to redirect all traffic from the machine to the Tor network.

Reverse Engineering Tools

  • IDA Pro – A Windows, Linux or Mac OS X hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger
  • IDA Free – The freeware version of IDA v5.0
  • WDK/WinDbg – Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg
  • OllyDbg – An x86 debugger that emphasizes binary code analysis
  • Radare2 – Opensource, crossplatform reverse engineering framework.
  • x64_dbg – An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
  • Pyew – A Python tool for static malware analysis.
  • Bokken – GUI for Pyew Radare2.
  • Immunity Debugger – A powerful new way to write exploits and analyze malware
  • Evan’s Debugger – OllyDbg-like debugger for Linux
  • Medusa disassembler – An open source interactive disassembler
  • plasma – Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code.

CTF Tools

  • Pwntools – CTF framework for use in CTFs


Penetration Testing Books

Hackers Handbook Series

Network Analysis Books

Reverse Engineering Books

Malware Analysis Books

Windows Books

Social Engineering Books

Lock Picking Books

Vulnerability Databases

  • NVD – US National Vulnerability Database
  • CERT – US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  • OSVDB – Open Sourced Vulnerability Database
  • Bugtraq – Symantec SecurityFocus
  • Exploit-DB – Offensive Security Exploit Database
  • Fulldisclosure – Full Disclosure Mailing List
  • MS Bulletin – Microsoft Security Bulletin
  • MS Advisory – Microsoft Security Advisories
  • Inj3ct0r – Inj3ct0r Exploit Database
  • Packet Storm – Packet Storm Global Security Resource
  • SecuriTeam – Securiteam Vulnerability Information
  • CXSecurity – CSSecurity Bugtraq List
  • Vulnerability Laboratory – Vulnerability Research Laboratory
  • ZDI – Zero Day Initiative

Security Courses

Information Security Conferences

  • DEF CON – An annual hacker convention in Las Vegas
  • Black Hat – An annual security conference in Las Vegas
  • BSides – A framework for organising and holding security conferences
  • CCC – An annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany
  • DerbyCon – An annual hacker conference based in Louisville
  • PhreakNIC – A technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee
  • ShmooCon – An annual US east coast hacker convention
  • CarolinaCon – An infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina
  • HOPE – A conference series sponsored by the hacker magazine 2600
  • SummerCon – One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer
  • – An annual conference held in Luxembourg
  • HITB – Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands
  • Troopers – Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany
  • Hack3rCon – An annual US hacker conference
  • ThotCon – An annual US hacker conference held in Chicago
  • LayerOne – An annual US security conference held every spring in Los Angeles
  • DeepSec – Security Conference in Vienna, Austria
  • SkyDogCon – A technology conference in Nashville
  • SECUINSIDE – Security Conference in Seoul
  • DefCamp – Largest Security Conference in Eastern Europe, held anually in Bucharest, Romania
  • AppSecUSA – An annual conference organised by OWASP
  • BruCON – An annual security conference in Belgium
  • Infosecurity Europe – Europe’s number one information security event, held in London, UK
  • Nullcon – An annual conference in Delhi and Goa, India
  • RSA Conference USA – An annual security conference in San Francisco, California, USA
  • Swiss Cyber Storm – An annual security conference in Lucerne, Switzerland
  • Virus Bulletin Conference – An annual conference going to be held in Denver, USA for 2016
  • Ekoparty – Largest Security Conference in Latin America, held annually in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 44Con – Annual Security Conference held in London

Information Security Magazines

  • 2600: The Hacker Quarterly – An American publication about technology and computer “underground”
  • Phrack Magazine – By far the longest running hacker zine

Awesome Lists

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